General Information

OLC PREP (Parish Religious Education Program)

As the DRE (Director of Religious Education) for Our Lady of Charity, I am proud of our PREP (Parish Religious Education Program) initiatives. My background has been in education and I have served as Teacher, Principal, and Head of a Learning Support Team. I have certification in Education, Principal K-12, and Gifted. However, this ministry of service is one of awe and wonder as I, prayerfully, consider all that is involved in sharing Catholic doctrine and living our Catholic faith. These are lifelong responsibilities for every Catholic. In addition, I am moved by the Spirit that surrounds me in the people I meet at OLC.  I am amazed by the children and their insights. It is no wonder that Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.”  I never tire of working with the young ones to ensure the growth of our future church.  As a resource and a guide, I assist in the work of catechesis in every way possible. Moreover, the most important aspect to the work of PREP is to assist our parents who are the first teachers of the faith. We provide several options: Please call me for more information.

Mrs. Jeanne Marie Turn, DRE

PREP General Information (Formerly known as CCD)

Boys and Girls in grades 1-7 who attend public school or private non-Catholic schools are called to receive religious instruction through our Parish PREP programs.

Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist are received in grade/level 2 and Confirmation is in grade/level 7. All members of the parish must receive their sacraments in the church where they are registered. No fees are charged for the sacraments.

Please place your weekly envelopes in the offertory collection.. We are good stewards and plan to maintain an exceptional program for years to come. We thank you, in advance, for your prayers and support.

Tuition for PREP

Tuition for PREP is kept minimal because of the generosity of the Parishioners who contribute weekly to the Parish. Unfortunately, it is not possible for the parish to subsidize this program without some fees.  We strive to keep the fees affordable and similar to those in other parishes within the Delaware County.  Anyone needing special consideration, should contact the Pastor. We are one of the few parishes who request no additional Sacramental fees. The Registration forms are posted on the website under PREP.  Anyone new to the program for this year, should call either Jeanne or Joan (Rectory Secretary) 610-872-6192 for more information.

One Child:  $180.00

Two Children:  $305.00

Three or More:  $410.00

Faculty of Our PREP Program

Our faculty are very dedicated parishioners who donate their time and service to sharing the Catholic faith with our youngest parishioners.  All have the proper Safe Environment Certifications and meet all regulations of the Archdiocese in this area.

If anyone wishes to assist in our PREP Program, kindly contact our DRE for more information.  Anyone new to the program, over 18 years of age, will also need to complete the following before you begin your ministry of service:

Archdiocesan Child Safety Regulations 

  1. Pennsylvania State Police Background Check – To complete
  2. Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance – To complete (PDF) (If you’ve lived in Pennsylvania under two years, you’ll need to complete the Federal Child Abuse History Clearance)
  3. Attendance at a Safe Environment Session (2.5 hours); to Register org
  4. For More information, please go to: org
  5. Mandated Reporter on-line training (1 hour)

All Clearances must be collected and kept on file in the Rectory Office.  These files are kept secured in the Office.  An audit is completed each year by the Office for Children and Youth Protection of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.  We are in complete compliance with all clearances.

The Sacraments of Initiation for Children

Let the children come to me, says the Lord, and do not hinder them.

Baptism:  it is generally assumed that children who are attending PREP are baptized in the Catholic faith.  Today, that is not always the case, nor is it a deterrent for parents who wish for their children to be educated in the Catholic faith.  New students beginning PREP must have a Baptismal certificate from the parish where the child was baptized.  We will need to keep this certificate, so kindly call the parish where the child was baptized for a copy of the original.  If your child is not yet baptized, kindly contact the Pastor and make an appointment to see him about arranging for your child’s baptism.  He is very happy to meet and discuss this with you.

First Penance and Reconciliation and First Holy Communion:  In accordance with the request of Archbishop Chaput, and in conjunction with the local Regional Catholic Schools of our area, we now celebrate these Sacraments during 2nd grade.  It is a general policy of the Archdiocese, to have at least two years of instruction prior to the children receiving their Sacraments.  This is also our general practice at OLC.

Confirmation:  is celebrated in the Fall of seventh grade.  The students are instructed during the 6th grade/level of PREP and then again in the early Fall of seventh grade for the reception of this Sacrament. In our Archdiocese, the Bishops of the diocese write during the summer in order to arrange for a date.  We are asked to submit three possible dates, and then in late summer, the Bishop’s Office confirms the date with us.  Student-Candidates for Confirmation must be enrolled in PREP for the consecutive grades/levels of 4-6 th grades, or attendance at Catholic Parochial School for their preparation of the Sacrament.

Our celebrations of Sacraments are always to include our parish children who attend one of the neighboring Catholic Schools.  This is a requirement which we are resolute.  The main work of the Parish is to celebrate the Sacraments for all its members.  These First-Sacraments are not school events, they are parish celebrations.